The Google+ experiment, launched as a dip into the world dominated by Facebook, and has had some kinks to work out. But leave it to Google to continually improve and evolve.
There are many components to Google+ and it is literally changing faster than I can type this blog. We are finding success, from an SEO standpoint, using Google+ and Blogger in conjunction to get localized content out there on the web in a way that can be shared and searched.
Posting in Blogger and then sharing it "Public" on Google+ will get your post noticed in the search engines. Of course it needs to be optimized, tagged and have good content too.
Google+ has options to post to certain circles or publicly - if you haven't built any circles and you are just using it for blogging to start, post Publicly and it will be viewable by anyone who wants to see it and also may appear in search results - if properly optimized.
Find local businesses in the area and +1 them. (Similar to the Like on Facebook). It's a great networking tool.
You should also add +1 to your website and blogs so people can share your info too!
For Real Estate Agents especially, this is an amazing tool for honing in on your Hyperlocal Marketing and getting noticed online.
We suggest getting on board with it now, even in a small way. It will pay off.
We can help you set up a Google+ profile and a Blogger site and start blogging for you. CONTACT US TODAY
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